FIT IoT-LAB tutorial: hands-on practice with a very large scale testbed tool for the Internet of Things
Olivier Fambon  1@  , Eric Fleury  1@  , Gaëtan Hartner  1@  , Roger Pissard-Gibollet  1, *@  , Frédéric Saint-Marcel  1@  
1 : INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
* : Auteur correspondant

FIT IoT-LAB1 provides a very large scale infrastructure facility suitable for testing small wireless sensor devices and heterogeneous communicating objects. The testbed oers web-based reservation and tooling for applications development, along with direct command-line access to the platform. Sensor nodes rmwares can be built from source and deployed on reserved nodes, application activity can be controlled and monitored, power consumption or radio interference can be measured using the provided tools.
The proposed tutorial is a hands-on training, with several practical exercises showing how to use the platform and demonstrating key features. We believe that researchers and engineers in elds dierent from the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) community may as well benet from using the tool, for instance parties interested in leveraging the facility
for large scale ubiquitous application or large scale embedded software experimentations.

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